miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

New That's English year. Unit 1 - Getting better

Hi everybody and welcome to That's English 2015-16!

The blog has reopened for B1 That's English students in EOI Jaén. As we did last year, we'll be uploading every week's listening tasks and talking points to the blog so you can have a look at them before class. Besides, the site is intended to help you with your English tasks by providing extra materials, tips or links to online open resources that may come in handy to improve spoken or written skills, to review grammar points or to strengthen vocabulary.

You might also find it useful to check That's English official website where you'll be able to access the online learning platform by clicking on the small key symbol on the top right corner, as shown in the picture below

The platform includes plenty of resources and tools to help you in your learning process. You'll need a password to enter the site so, if you haven't got it yet please contact Secretaría EOI Jaén - 953276052.

I would also like to remind you of the units that will be left out for each module:

Module 6:   2, 3 and 7
Module 7:   1, 4 and 10
Module 8:   4, 5 and 9

An finally here's the link to Unit 1 handout, which we'll be dealing with in class next week:

And, last but not least, here's the list of writing tasks you can do. Choose one of them and bring it over if you want to have it checked: exercice 16, page 12; exercise 6, page 13; exercise 8, page 15; exercise 8, page 18.

See you next week!

PS: links to illnesses vocabulary sites: